Continuous Improvement and Investmetns in Sustainability
In 2017, the Company made significant investments focusing on reduction of steam and electric power consumption, improving both processes and people knowledge. This actions directly addresses to relevant operating gains, with better productive capacity.
A good example is the investment directed to renovating and readjusting the paper machine hood, avoiding power loss and stabilizing the paper during the process, ensuring a better drying performance. In other words, besides quality increase, the improvement brought financial gains, by the reduction of power and environmental consumptions – considering lower CO2 emissions.
It is important to reinforce that the investment in productivity and efficiency starts from people: teams of mixed positions from several areas of the Company are involved in the company’s continuous improvement program, which gives visibility and alignment of its performance indicators and goals, facilitating the effective corrective actions planning, trainings and a more efficient result monitoring.
“The electric power and steam´s consumption in the paper machine had never been reached such low levels as currently. 2017 result is the best one achieved in the last five years”, celebrates Luis Coelho, mill manager of Ahlstrom-Munksjö Jacareí.