Saturating papers : impregnation process optimization and alternatives to be lean and address ongoing legislation changes
DediCOATED 3.0
26 May, 2021

Saturating papers are designed to be impregnated according to demanding manufacturing processes.. It's not always easy to find the right compromise between speed and absorption when aiming for a waterproof paper.
Learn more about the different levers that exist to enable you to optimize your impregnation and surfacing processes before going into the maker.
Also discover "ready-made" solutions to simplify your technical process and logistics to deal more effectively with the challenges relating to emissions and environmental requirements.
#saturation | #speed | #permeability | #efficiency
These lecture will focus on:
- ready-to-use raw-materials and new solutions to impact positively LCA of the finished abrasives
- how suppliers take actions to minimize footprints CO2 emissions and go more sustainable
Cyrille Nau
Technical Customer Support Engineer @ Ahlstrom
Francis Poirot
Technical Director @ Ahlstrom