LeafSaver: simple collection, transportation and ambient-temperature storage of plants, fungi, insects, and parasites

About the webinar
LeafSaver, is our new collection card designed to capture diverse small Eukaryotic organisms, including plants, fungi, insects, and parasites.
Engineered with a protective cover, LeafSaver allows for live collection and direct application of organisms onto the specialized collection paper, eliminating the need for complex preparations beforehand.
Our collection paper is made from pure cotton material and treated with chemicals to ensure long-term preservation of nucleic acids at ambient temperatures for over two decades.
LeafSaver's innovative design features four distinct areas, enabling the collection of multiple samples of the same nature or repeated samples of identical specimens (replicates). This not only enhances result accuracy but also facilitates higher quantities of DNA recovery. Watch our webinar to learn more.

Meet the Speaker
Marie-Laure Boen, PD&TCS Engineer, Ahlstrom
Marie-Laure Boen holds a Master’s Degree in Health Biology and Microbiology from Paris-Sud University. She joined Ahlstrom in 2002. As Product Development and TCS Engineer for the Lab & Life Science business, she is now in charge of developing innovative products in the field of Life Sciences and Diagnostics.