A virtual trade show with real ambition!

Apr 28, 2021
A virtual trade show with real ambition!

Initiated and organised by Ahlstrom's Abrasives business, DediCOATED 3.0 is centred on three strong values that we hold dear: innovation, expertise and the exchange of ideas.



Many trade fairs were cancelled last year. It spurred the Abrasive Business to organise its Coffee Break Sessions in 2020, a series of interactive themed webinars which attracted a wide audience among our Abrasives customers. 

This success pushed us to take the idea even further.

So we decided to prepare a new type of meeting, that will provide an innovative and high quality experience: an online fair dedicated to the abrasives industry. Never tried before in Europe, it is a disruptive step in a world that is very protective of the confidentiality of its know-how.



Through a series of themed talks, DediCOATED will bring a "wide angle" vision of the coated abrasives market, while aiming to identify future directions.

Most industries will be represented : grits, resins, engineering, consulting…

A sanding machine manufacturer will also be making an appearance as a guest speaker. The diversity and complementarity of the know-how and experience on offer will mean there is something for each participant to take away to enrich their expertise, while also gleaning a wealth of information on the industry. 

Of course, close attention will be paid to ensure data confidentiality is maintained between competing companies during the event.


Exchanging and sharing

Several essential aspects of our approach are behind the creation this convention : the desire to create close ties with our customers, to stimulate the sharing of ideas and expertise, to foster innovation and develop business, among other things.

The partners involved spontaneously expressed their wish to take part and will be focusing on one main common aim: to bring you a maximum of added value.

Far from replacing a traditional trade fair, this initiative may well be the precursor of a new model of constructive event dedicated to our high-tech industry!