Abrasive Experts Coffee Break Sessions

May 19, 2020
Abrasive Experts Coffee Break Sessions

Coated abrasives are complex and highly technical. The paper base alone has an impact on the optimisation of the process and on the performance and quality of the finished product.

What if you could make a Coffee Break and get a rich, personalized and confidential overview on selected abrasive paper backing fundamentals?


We're organizing regular coffee breaks around 4 key subjects, which we can organise on demand and free of charge for you and all your workers :

A/ Tips for handling and processing the abrasive paper backing rolls without incident

B / Antistatic treatments for abrasive papers : why ? how ? Measurement best-practices

C / Why is abrasive paper base sensitive to humidity ?

D / Curling and cupping, what is the difference ?


Check out the subjects and sign up now. We'll be in touch to set a date and time that suits you for your webinar :  It will be the opportunity for you to get an interactive question-and-answer break and take new precautions to get the most out of the potential offered by abrasive paper bases.