The company recently joined the Résilience initiative promoted by the French government. This initiative will allow the production of over 100 million face masks for use by professionals in contact with the public as well as communities and companies active in essential sector.
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Contagious coronavirus (COVID-19) is leading to soaring cases and deaths around the world. Taking the proper precautions is crucial during these times to prevent contracting the virus. To curb the spread, governments have imposed broad based measures including requiring the general public to wear face masks when they go outside.
Ahlstrom-Munksjö is continuously placing quality and high accountability standards as a top priority. As a part of these ongoing efforts, several of Ahlstrom-Munksjö’s North American and European plants that specialize in food products carry BRC Food Safety certification.
In 2019 Ahlstrom-Munksjö asked its employees to suggest projects or organizations that the company could support. One of the eight selected was UNICEF’S Child Protection Program in Zambia – an initiative put forward by HR Manager Karen Volz.
We are spending more time at home than we ever have. For many of us this is a time to rediscover cooking as a way to express our creativity, stay connected, and bring our families comfort. At Ahlstrom-Munksjö, we make Genuine Vegetable Parchment (GVP), a high quality baking paper which helps the home cook create restaurant worthy dishes - like this papillote-style fish which can brighten up your taste buds, and your weekend in a cinch!
Ahlstrom has been actively working on alternative technologies and capabilities expansions, with synergies among its sites and new dedicated production lines. Now the company, and the Medical Business Unit specifically, are taking another step forward, going beyond the scope of the general medical offer.
In 2019 Ahlstrom-Munksjö asked its employees to suggest projects or organizations that the company could support. One of the eight projects selected was Origin by Ocean, a neo-ecology biorefinery start-up focusing on the technology to turn algae-based biomass into natural and biologically sustainable ingredients for use in the food, beverage, cosmetics and pharma industries.
Paper release liners are efficient carriers for self-adhesive labels, adhesive materials and components. Paper release liners are not only serving countless essential applications, their functions and features also meet the needs of sustainable everyday life.