Ahlstrom-Munksjö has successfully served the automotive industry for 50 years and has gained a leading position in engine filtration worldwide. As electrification is rapidly changing the industry landscape, Ahlstrom-Munksjö is closely following the market development and innovating fiber-based solutions for energy storage applications.
Robotisation is opening up new and innovative possibilities for industrial sanding. We have met with two leading players on the market to get their perspectives on the subject...
The abrasives business wanted to create an original, artistic greeting card made with abrasive backings to put across messages Ahlstrom-Munksjö strongly believes in.
Willy Davis Bordignon began his career with us in 1995. Here now, as Vice-President of Filtration & Performance for the Americas, he reflects on the past quarter of a century – from countless learning and development opportunities to moving to a new job, home and hemisphere in 2004. Here, Willy shares his Ahlstrom-Munksjö milestones.
As part of its continued focus on global sustainability leadership, the Ahlstrom Food & Technical Solutions Business Area has released the ‘ƒrom Plastic to Purpose’ campaign.
Customer value is one of Ahlstrom-Munksjö’s four strategic cornerstones and a prerequisite for maintaining a leadership position in fiber-based solutions. To measure and track the satisfaction of our key customers as well as to keep up with the market development, we regularly conduct customer surveys with our key customers in collaboration with Opticom International Research. The latest of these surveys was completed this year.
The Printing United Digital Experience is power-packed with cross-segment programing, educational sessions and new product launches. It is connecting the global print industry and Ahlstrom-Munksjö will be there.
As colder months are around the corner, face masks are taken to the next level. Read about our filter media being included in the new line of neck warmers by BUFF®, combining safety and warmth.
Our solutions for the single serve tea and coffee industries received the prestigious award during the live online ceremony organized by EDANA.